Family Testimonials
Families who have received our help have kindly given us these comments -
"What difference has Home-Start made? They have allowed me to cope. They have given my children a better experience of life. They have changed the way we function as a family."
"It’s like having a friend transported in to your home."
"It’s one thing talking to someone on the phone; it’s another having someone face to face."
"Home-Start has helped me feel normal again."
"I look forward to my volunteer coming. The kids constantly ask me when she is coming next. She is so lovely and has helped take the weight off my shoulders."
"I am happy working with Home-Start because you are different. I feel I can talk to my volunteer about anything without being judged.. Because she is a mum too and understands. That has helped me to trust her. It's more like having a sensible friend."