There are many different ways you can support Home-Start Renfrewshire and Inverclyde
Could you be a Home-Visiting Volunteer?
Parents/carers with young children can find it hard to cope for all sorts of reasons, maybe because of the illness or disability of their child or because of post-natal illness, bereavement or loneliness. At Home-Start, support is given to any parent/carer who asks for help. Supported families, like Home-start volunteers, come from all walks of life. Home-Start are always in need of new volunteers and the only requirements for volunteering are that you have parenting experience, are friendly and non-judgmental. With your help parents/carers can gain the confidence to manage on their own and give their children the best possible start in life. If you can spare a few hours a week to offer practical and emotional support to a local family then Home-Start can provide you with an informal, professional training course, support from a friendly team of staff and a hugely rewarding experience.
Home-Start Renfrewshire and Inverclyde is self governed so we are always interested in people who would like to offer their skills as an Advisor or Trustee. Perhaps you have IT knowledge, HR or financial interests or perhaps you are good at marketing or just enjoy fundraising?
Whatever your skills we look forward to hearing from you soon. You can contact us on 0141 889 5272 or just email us for more information.